As I write this I am awaiting our first thunderstorm of the season. That can only mean one thing: IT'S SPRING IN ILLINOIS! Speaking of Spring, that is the theme of my new thread colors! The Pink/Orange/Yellow color one the far left is gorgeous! I did another 'window' and love how soft the colors are. A pretty, light yellow and a cerulean/aqua blue are solids and the last one reminds me of cotton candy! All from
Handy Hands; my favorite tatting supplier!
One other little gadget that I invested in is a short crochet

hook with a ring. I'm always loosing my standard crochet hook, so now I've attached a colorful medallion with a tassel that I got from a dear friend in New York. Barbara and I were tatting exchange partners and still keep in touch. We have homeschooling and our faith for common grounds and both enjoy tatting demonstrations. I've never met her, but maybe someday...
It's nice to know that I have tatting buddies all over the country, and the entire globe for that matter!
The brown snowflake is one of those pieces that one can pop out in no time at all. I've already started on another small motif with the 'cotton candy' variegated thread.
By the way, I'm
still working on that pink doily. I seriously have a very short attention span when it comes to tatting up new patterns. I love to change patterns and bounce back and forth between colors and sizes. Ah, well, I'm not a lost cause yet! The pink one a nice, simple pattern to work on during a movie.
So, I sign off happy, content, and listening to the rain against the windows. But I have not forgotten what today is and what it stands for. That my Savior and Redeemer was crucified for my sins. A verse that gives me goose-bumps and makes me choke up all at the same time is
Luke 22:41 & 42:"And He was withdrawn from them about a stone’s throw, and He knelt down and prayed, saying, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.”May I never take this day for granted. My Easter blessings to you all!