Here is the 'pretty in purple' doily that my last post was about. I LOVE the final rounds. This antique pattern is true to type though. The instructions are not very clear, but the look of the doily is an interesting and different spin on tatting. For me it's a bittersweet thing because the antique patterns themselves are always so cool and when I tat them it's neat to think about how this doily style has been around for 20, 30, or 40 years. But on the flip-side, the instructions reflect that era so they are usually not very clear. In the book this pattern is from, there is no mention of 'reverse work' and the rings aren't labeled so it can get confusing. So needless to say, there are a LOT of notes in my book. It kind of makes it my own in a way because my writing will be passed on with the antiques.

Here she is on my cardboard box being blocked. I always get my pieces wet with cold water, pat them in a towel, then pin it down. This makes the doily or bookmark or whatever I'm working on, flat and tight. I'm adding the final round now and think this is a new favorite.
One more side of that hankie to go and, I admit with guilt, I'm playing around with another antique pattern. Yup, I'm a glutton for punishment!
Have a blessed weekend everyone! : )