My Goodness it's been a while! I'm sorry I haven't been on here more but our current version of Mozilla FireFox is having issues with Blogger : / Grr!

As for that special project here it is! It's the Black magic bookmark from Mary Konior. I used two shuttles; one with the black and the other had the color on it. For as pretty as it is, it was a LOT of work! I had to empty my color shuttle each time to switch colors! But I think the effect in the end is pretty cool. I just love the black with bright colors! Time for another doily maybe......
But I liked the pattern so much I made another one :) This one is in the Lizbeth 40 'Boysenberry.'
Other then these projects, I've been pretty busy with work and being outside gardening. I'm planning on finishing a HUGE white doily this summer. My goal is to be done with it before school starts up again at the end of August...can I 'git 'r' gone?' I hope so ;)
Blessings to ya'll!