It doesn't get any more classic then a white doily : ) and this project is only half done! It's going to be a HUGE center piece for our dining room table. The flowers are from our gardens around the farm. Daisies and a yellow
Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria for all my Horticulture savvy buddies).
Work has sure kept me busy! not to mention I'm taking a 30-day 'Media Reduction Challenge' with the girls from my Bible Study. We're being challenged to spend less time on the Internet and watching TV and movies and spending more time in the Word and with family. I've also been outside gardening and thought I'd share some pics with you all.
The farm table: complete with all my planters |
Dad's Hosta corner |
Front of our house with Stella de Oro Lilies |
Pump house garden - Hostas and more Loosestrife |
The shed garden |
I got my dad a Mock Orange Viburnum for Fathers day, next to the 'Man Cave' |
My mom and I share a rock garden, we each have one side :) |
May all your tatting journeys be splendid!
P.S. THANK YOU all sooo much for the awesome comments on my last post! I just had to share that tip with you all and I'm glad that you found it useful! Too fun!