Hello everyone! Hope you are all having a splendid weekend! The weather here is back to being sunny and warm, but the trees are still turning and boy it's just gorgeous outside! I have to tell you though, it's been really fun to have a school assignments that involves tatting! My floral design project has to be about color so 'TA-DA!" What do you think???
This will be part of my display! I'm also working on doilies and motifs that follow color certain color schemes we are studying. This has been such a fun project! I just finished a landscape design for another class and am really proud of it...I'll get my grade on Monday so I'm keeping my fingers crossed : )
Other then school projects and Plant Identification competitions life is as normal around here. God is good, isn't He? Oh how He loves us and Blesses us! Be sure to stop by my mom's blog to see what our family is up too!
Have a safe weekend everyone and I'll be in touch : )