A rainy day without my PC!
Hey all! On Saturday morning my computer crashed so I haven't been able to update my blog. The past couple of days has been so rainy and muddy that we could not be outside or play with our horses so all I did was tat! I got three pieces done and have made a lot of progress on two large doilies. Yes! I am finally figuring out beads!!
*Be-Stitched* DoilyTwo Colored snowflake
Hi Allison,
Just discovered your lovely blog.
Isn't tatting just awesome?
I added your link to my blog roll.
You sure accomplished a lot! I love what you've done with the beads, and the wheel is awesome!
Very cool, Allison! I agree with Diane, you HAVE accomplished a lot in the last little while. Your "wheel" with the crossed picots looks very cool! :)
thanks everyone! yes, when it rains and there is nothing to do...i tat like crazy! my figers were actually sore from tatting so much (if you can believe that!) Thanks for stopping by LadyShuttleMaker!
I do believe. I have tatted my fingers sore before. That beaded piece is cute & I love that crossed picot wheel. I mustn't forget my other favorite the 2-colored 'flake.
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