The other tatting business that will occur over my Break is on March 7th our guild is demonstrating all different kinds of lace for Woman's History month. We'll be in Genoa -where Pioneer days was- in the afternoon demonstrating tatting, bobbin-lace, Hardanger (sp?), and I think one other kind, but I can't remember. What's real exciting is that I'm going to demo both shuttle and needle tatting! I got Barbra Foster's How-To book from Basketcases and learned rings and chains in about 3 days. I'm going to make it a goal to get through the 'Oh my Stars' tatting book in one year with my needles - learning split rings and chains, block tatting, etc. OOOooo, Something new to accomplish!!! :)
Ta-Ta for now!
P.S. I finished my light green, size 30 doily remake! Here's the pictures!
Doilies are beautiful !!!
Dear Allison,
Those tatted doilies are all so beautiful! So, you've been tatting out on the Adirondack chairs with your mom and sister, aye? They tat, too? I did not know this. Maybe you mentioned it before and I did not notice. I will admit that when it comes to tatting I am like a kid in a candy store and just pay attention to the "eye candy" or pictures, LOL! It's terrible of me, but I am guilty of just skimming through the text on everyone's blog and looking at the pretty pictures of tatted lace.
Speaking of pretty pictures; from all your lovely tatted doily pics it looks like you have gotten a lot done with tatting! Good for you!
TattingChic ♥
Ooh, your Fair doily is indeed fair! (Sorry, I couldn't stop myself.) Very pretty! Is it an original design? Do keep us updated once it is judged.
Tatting in a sunny spot in an Adirondack chair sounds so relaxing! I'm jealous.
TattingChic: No, I'm the only one that tats in my family. The three of us were just enjoying each others company and I was tatting. We sit out there all summer!
Thank you Isdihara! The design is from an antique book that I've gotten from the library. The fair isn't until July so I'm going to work on a hankie edging to show as well!
Hello from St.Ives England
Just come in from my sunny studio (although it is getting a bit chilly at 3pm this afternoon. Having a cup of tea and browsing and came to you. Thankyou for a lovely read reminded me I must pick up a tatting shuttle again and have a go. x ps. like the music too.
Hello there! Thanks so much for the comment and stopping by! Sounds like the perfect afternoon - tea and tatting!
I love all your doilies, but the first one looks familiar and I'm wondering if I might have the pattern....will look and put that on my list as a 'to tat' project. It looks so pretty!
I'm so glad you sent me the link to this post! Your doily is gorgeous!
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