I love these little frillies so much and had such great feedback from all of you lovely tatting ladies that I'd like to share the pattern with you! Here goes it!
The rosette is made of six chains repeated around a tatted ring. You can add as many rounds as you like, just increase the number of picots accordingly. Start with a shuttle wound to the ball thread and leave it attached.
Center Ring: 2-2-2-2-2-2. close, reverse work.
CH1: 2-1-1-2+ (join to the first picot on the previous ring.) Repeat 5 times, joining to the next picot in the ring. Be sure to leave a little bit of space between the chains for joining the next round. On the last chain for this round, join to the base of the first chain. Now you are ready to start the second round of chains.
CH2: 3-1-1-3+ (join to space in between previous chains.) Repeat around rosette.
CH3: 3-1-1-1-3+ (join to space in between previous chains.) Repeat around rosette.
CH4: 2-2-2-2-2-2+ (join to space in between previous chains.) Repeat around rosette.
CH5: 3-2-2-2-2-3+ (join to space in between previous chains.) Repeat around rosette.
This is my first time writing up a pattern so feel free to add to this pattern and create something all your own! If you have any questions or if there is a direction that is unclear please leave a comment and I'll be checking in! Enjoy!