I'm always excited to try a new pattern, especially if there is a new technique involved!
Linda's Classic Doily has split rings and split chains! I've never done split chains before and it was a great to learn this technique. I love that you can climb out of rounds in a doily and not have to cut, tie and hide ends. This was my first attempt so don't look at the chains too closely! ; ) I read the How-To from the book I got from my advanced tatting class called
Oh My Stars. You can also view this book on my home page under the
'My Bookshelf' Tab. This a great book that explains techniques for both shuttle and needle tatting. Hope that you all are having a great Thursday! It's almost the weekend! Be blessed everyone!
good start Allison, split chains and split rings can really speed up your tatting when you don't have to cut and tie and hide the ends. Saves thread too
Well done, I still can't do split chains very well, rings perfect chains no.
Lovely doily pattern and it looks like you have mastered it.
I totally agree LadyTats! Margaret, Jane Eborall has some great instructions for split chains if you ever feel adventurous to try! I can't believe how easy it was and how much time it saves! here is a link to Jane's page: http://www.janeeborall.freeservers.com/FastEasy.pdf
That is looking so nice!! :)
It looks great! Congratulations on giving SCs a try! I have yet to do so.
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