Saturday, June 6, 2009

Celtic Crazy!!

I have had such a knack for Celtic stuff lately! I'll google 'Celtic knots' and then try to create them with really long chains. It's too fun. I've never really created a pattern before so this is a new frontier for me. Here are some pics of what I've been messing around with...

sorry that the quality of the pics are not so great. My sister has the camera this weekend so I'm using an old Vivitar.


Marilee Rockley said...

I like how you added the chain around the celtic knot - that makes a really clever motif.

Unknown said...

Nice work on your celtic tatting! Way to go. That is something I have yet to attempt. :)

tattrldy said...

Your knots look really cool! Keep it up and let us know how you're doing them.

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