Saturday, December 26, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Thread Frustrations!

Stay warm!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Countdown to Christmas
And just for grins, my Amaryllis is about to bloom! We started these bulbs in my Greenhouse I class and once it's done blooming I'm going to continue to force it in the fridge and have it bloom again in the summer. It will be a deep Christmas red, perfect for adding color to our living room as we celebrate our Savior's birth!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Tatting, Tatting, tatting....
- I LOVE size Lizbeth 40! I'm playing around with a semi-celtic cross, but I can't wait to try a bigger doily with it! I bought a deep maroon that is lovely. Quite possibly my favorite thread that I own.
- From my new 'Visual Patterns' book, I'm working on a doily that has a connected, repeating motif in the center, then something crazy...10 rounds of chains, upon chains, upon chains! Variegated thread's being used so I think that will turn out nice. It goes from a soft green into a light, then deep pink. Perfect for Easter! I'll shoot for that deadline; gotta get-er-done by Easter.
- I think I'm most excited about some of the ornaments that I've started! Over the years I've bought glass balls on sale at Hobby Lobby or at garage sales. Now I've finally started doing something with them. The tops are a simple ring and chain circle and I plan to attach Christmas motifs in the middle. I'm totally making it up as I go so they'll all be one of a kind.
We bought a newer camera about a month ago that eaten by my sister's horse. He chewed the lens off! So there won't be any pictures for a while, which I was pretty bummed about because I love posting pictures. Ah, well, I'll just have to describe my tattings to you!
One piece that I've finished is a custom necklace for a friend. It's two lines of black, 20 thread split chains with purple iridescent beads. And it is very pretty, if I do say so myself.
So, I just watched the nightly News with my mom and the weather team is calling for over a foot of snow accumulation starting on Sunday! WHOOHOO! Our family just purchased a new, heavy-duty snow blower and my dad is very happy about the chance to use it soon! That's fine by me because we didn't have one at all last year and that was harsh. My pony blew an abscess in his foot so we had to dig out the driveway constantly for the vet to be able to get in and out. Snow storms around here are welcomed, whatever the circumstance. We all put in a movie with our wood stove cookin' away or we'll read -or tat- all day long. I just love it. We decorated the inside of the house today and I have to say that our house always looks it's best with all the holiday decor up. We are definitely in the Christmas spirit this year!
Blessings to all!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
New threads and a doily to share...
FINISHED! I can see the headlines now 'Local girl shot down mysterious variegated UFO last week.' Ok, it's not a real UFO - that's tatting code for UnFinished Object. But I finally finished my round robin doily! I have to admit that this was one of the hardest doilies to finish. I started it way back in August or so and never had the drive to get it done. All those chains really made it hard to press out and to complete in general. The last round though has got to be one of my favorites - weird huh? I love and hate this doily all at the same time!
I also splurged (no idea how to spell that) and thought I'd try my hand at 'Lizbeth size 40. Boysenberry is the color. Snowflakes are the plan. It's cold and rainy here, so I know that I'll be working on them and will keep ya posted!
So I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! We spent today chillin' on the farm, taking care of horses, baking and cooking, and had a super yummy dinner. My dad had our wood stove going all day and it kept the house toasty - we even had the furnace turned off. Needless to say that my room upstairs is a little chilly, but what are electric blankets for???
May you all have a blessed weekend! Much love from the Midwest,
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Order Up!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Currently tatting...
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I have been tatting! I promise!
Me and my beloved sister, Lea
Mommie and me
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Harvest time!
Our pumpkin stand had it's grand opening last weekend (yes, it's been that long since I've posted any news, my apologies) and I am proud to say that we made a profit! Small, but a profit none-the-less. We are hoping that the weather warms up, and CLEARS up for this weekend, as we will be open as well.
So this is a tatting blog, right? and you are thinking "why does she keep putting pictures of pumpkins on her blog?!" Well, now I shall combine the two in a way that will make you smile:
TA~DA!!! I saw this pattern online and HAD to tat up a pumpkin! It adorns the empty space near our new 'puter, as we kindly call our new computer. It's so cute that I just might have to tat up a whole patch of 'em! :) My dad's birthday, is *ah-hem* 50th birthday, is coming up this weekend and we are gonna celebrate this weekend!
I have so many projects that I've started over this week that I've been off of school! So there are like 4 UFO's (Un-Finished Objects) floating around my desk. AAHH! I still have the weekend...I do have a pendent pattern in the works with a color combination that I'm not quite sure about, but we shall see. The pattern is Yarnplayer's Dream and I haven't done it in a while so doing it in the car was fun! LOL! I had a very special day with my Mom though! I just have to share! It was rainy, chilly and windy so my Mom and I headed to Countryside Gardens! We walked around the outside Quonsets and it was so fun to look at what systems they are using. I got to tell my mom a little bit about what we are doing in my Horticulture classes. A good friend gave me a gift card ages ago so I used it today - I bought 5 cactus/succulent plants and the soil to make my own desert! So even though it was miserable outside my mom and I sipped coffee and had an awesome afternoon together. Gosh I LOVE MY FAMILY! :D
Soon that note, my friends I bid thee well. Have a great weekend and I'll talk to you later!Much love from the Midwest tatter,
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Hello October!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Getting ready!
My mom and sister are at a Horse Fest up North today so it's just me and dad on the farm. We harvested a wheelbarrow full of mini-white pumpkins this morning as our farm stand is opening next weekend! Something else exciting!
Well, I have to run home to bring the horses in so I'll catch you all later!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
My First Necklace!

Here it is! I had an idea, conjured up a pattern, and *Ta-Da* my first piece of tatted jewelry. It's just a simple line of split rings with beads and a pretty charm. I'm going to wear it to school tomorrow so we'll see if it stands the test of the 'outside world!' It turned out to be just the right length too!
My weekend outside of my tatting adventures consisted of 50 quarts of home-made apple cider! We harvested 7 bushels from our two trees, chopped the apples, poured 'em all into the press and out it come! Well, lot's of test to study for this week so sorry that this is so short!
Talk to you all later,
Monday, September 7, 2009
The Little Things...

But on to other things...Here is the doily that I started at the Pioneer Day demo. This one is for my mom to take to work. Her department is getting all new desks, so she'll have something pretty to put on top of it.

This past weekend was also my last weekend at Farm and Fleet. Yeah, I gave my two weeks notice because I wasn't anticipating such a heavy work load from my studies. I'm taking 5 classes, 3 of which have labs, and I'd also need two separate weeks off for field studies and a work week on campus. Thursday is my last day, but I hope to be back for the Christmas Toyland and next summer for sure. We shall see.
Alright, well my sister wants the computer, so I'll catch up with all of you later. At least now that I'm not working I'll have more time for my beloved shuttles and irreplaceable family and farm!
Toodles for now!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
My First Tatting Demo!

The picture above is from today of Marleen and I all dressed up in our Pioneer get-ups! We were the two tatters there today. Well actually Marleen started out with bobbin lace and then transitioned onto her shuttles! Marleen was working on an edging that will go around a cameo pin. I started a medium-sized doily that is tatted in a lavender and brown. *Pictures to come* :D
Back at school tomorrow. My poor sister has a pretty bad cold and my dad has allergies so we are laying pretty low tonight. Wishing you all blessing for the upcoming week!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
School is IN!

There are a TON of older tatting books/patterns. The pattern I used is titled he Priscilla Tatting Book, Selections of Useful Articles from The Modern Priscilla, with Beautiful Designs Never Before Published by Jessie M. DeWitt. It's pretty cool to look at all the old patterns. There were a lot of bonnets that look really cool.
Well, I don't have much to report other then school starting.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Needle Tatting

I got the bug again to give needle tatting a try and it went surprisingly well. I followed instructions from MaryJane Butter's Stitching Room book. The instructions finally make sense!! This book is so cool. There are all kinds of farmgirl sewing and needle crafts projects in this book and I can't wait to make one of her aprons. This book is also special to me because this is where I first saw tatting and fell in love with it. As I looked through the book it was the tatting that really stuck out to me. I asked my mom about it and 'lo-and-behold' she had a gal at work that did tatting and was going to take a class. So that is how it all got started way back in November of 2008. I'm nearing my 1-year tatting anniversary!! How fun!
So as for the needle tatting excursion itself, I think I did pretty well. The reason that the first 3 rings are 'bumpy' is because the needle I was using was too big. So after I realized that I switched to a smaller one the rings and chains that followed looked much cleaner. I'll try some other patterns later.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

My dear friend Sarah showed a lovely doily

I even ran into my tatting teacher there! Marleen was looking at our pieces too and was very proud of us. As a teacher she couldn't show any of her creations but she said that she was glad to see so many entries. I forgot to tell you all; at our last tatting class Marleen brought up the option to help demonstrate at a local event called 'Pioneer Days' in Genoa, IL (which is just southeast of here). I am quite excited because I may be demonstrating! I'm gonna get all the details so that is something new that I'll keep you all updated on!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Lavender and Jelly Beans

I got kind of creative with the second picture here. My family and I use Young Living's essential oils. We use them for medicinal purposes and other things like cleaners or just to smell nice. I just love 'em! There are oils for everything from indigestion to bug bites. And the best part is that they smell great and there are NO side effects! I have some small bottles that I carry with me always; Lavender for cuts and scrapes, Peppermint for an upset tummy, and a blend of oils called Joy for a perfume. Check out the Young Living website!
Now for the jelly beans! I'm thinking of making this little project into a one-of-a-kind watch band. You can find inexpensive watches at thrift stores, so I think I'll look around and see if I can find a style that would look nice with the pattern and colors. And if all else fails it will be a superb bookmark! The pattern uses split rings and I really like it.
So that's all. I haven't been tatting a whole lot lately but I have some ideas for my next is a sneak peak!
I went out to a local observatory with my dad last night and we had such a good time! We saw some binary stars, the Ring Nebula, a fuzzy Andromeda galaxy, and we even looked at the moon through their large telescope. Right now in the Midwest we are at the peak of the Perseid meteor shower. So something fun to do is to sit out late at night, when the breezes are cool and the moon hasn't come up yet, and look to the North and East and see if you can't spot a shooting star!
My family and I are off to the fair tonight so I'll let you know how my pieces did! Have a great week everyone!
Much Love,
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Back at it...
Today my mom and I dropped off a couple of financial things at Kishwaukee College to finalize my attendance there! I am so excited! I have been getting all of my books that I ordered online in the mail and that is so fun! Christmas in July! I really can't wait for school to start in the fall. I am so ready; a couple of days ago I was very nervous, but today mom and I walked around the campus, looking at all of the classrooms that I'll be in, and now I can't wait! God has been so merciful through all of this college-sorting-out-time. It can be really hectic for some; I have friends that are going to school out of state and I don't know how they are gonna do it. I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE MY FARM OR FAMILY! So I am very blessed to be able to attend a college that is so close by.
So back to work tomorrow and a Happy birthday to by beloved Mother!
P.S. just in case you wanted to see what else I did today with my sister, check out the video that we made! Enjoy!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Tatting Photo Shoot!
There are some really lovely stories about this china set. It's my great-aunt Dorothy's Arzberg china. Her husband, Edward, was serving over seas during World War II and had it shipped in a wooden crate to her while he was away. It's been in our family ever since. My mom took care of 'Aunt Dodie' up until she was settled in a home. It was there that she passed away at 96, but she gave her china to us. There is something to the white, simplicity of it that I absolutely love. My family and I use it for special occasions like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and when we have guests over. I'll have to ask my mom if I could inherit it someday, but for now I'll just enjoy it and cover it in tatted pieces!!!